

Monday, January 21, 2013

In His Time

How many of you are struggling right now with patience, worry and immediate gratification in your photography business {or any other aspect in life}?   I have SIX projects going on right now with two of them stewing in my head waiting their turn at stardom.

I have a lot of ideas, a lot.  Some of them are great, some not so great.  My flaw is allotting 100% of my time to each project and letting it grow to stand on it's own before starting a new project.  It is very hard!  I find myself screaming:

"Can this just happen already?!"  

I'm tired of waiting.  I'm impatient.  I worry about succeeding.  I doubt myself.   

I'm sure a lot of small business owners feel the same way from time to time.  We want success and we want it now.   I know there are businesses out there that have had overnight success, but that doesn't happen with the line of work I'm in.  It takes a lot of time studying, practicing, spending time away from family/friends, etc. etc.  Photographers understand that this list is endless, you can never stop working at the business, even those who are super successful STILL pound the pavement to make sure their name is not forgotten.....while some of us still struggle with finding a name for ourselves.  

-------------- Going off track now for a second --------

How many of your brains go in overdrive while lying in bed or when you're in the shower?   That's me too!   Yesterday while I was in the shower I couldn't help but go over all the things I need to get done this week and the feeling of anxiety rushed over me.   Then I heard in my head:

"Trust me"

I do, but.....  I will, but....  

Okay, so straight up talk isn't going to work on almost like a joke, a Psalty song pops in my head.   If you do not know who Psalty is, you may have grown up in the 90's, unlike myself who was born in 1976. :)  Psalty rocked my record player, day in and day out!  The big, blue Bible will always be embedded in my heart.

God is so smart, and such a witty guy.  Thank you for getting your point across to me in a way that I will listen. :)  

For all of you who may be struggling, read the words, or better yet....listen to the song.  Know that all things are made beautiful in HIS time.  Time to be second in line and let the real leader show us the way!

Scripture:  Ecclesiastes 3:11

Song Lyrics to "In His Time"

In His time, in His time,
He makes all things beautful in His time.
Lord, please show me every day,
As You're teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say, in Your time.
In Your time, in Your time,
You make all things beautiful in Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring.
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time.

In His Time by Psalty on Grooveshark
Listen to this precious song

Enjoy your day!  Go make it beautiful!






  1. Oh honey, I know what you mean....about a million things go around in my head--things I want to do and can't seem to get done. In his time is a wonderful way to put it. Easy to say, "have patience," but no so easy to do.

    Just keep the faith and all will fall into place.

