

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013!

A new year is now upon us and as many of you make resolutions, I'm stepping in line right behind you!  Blogging has always been something I've thought about, tried and failed.  Who's with me?  This year is different!  I have made new changes to my business and blogging is just an essential part of success.

My in home studio is coming along and soon will be open for "official" business!  I am excited!  I also working on a high school senior project that will unfold in the Spring.

In the meantime, I'm looking back on my very first clients and taking a moment to reflect on how far I have come.  I've learned so much and I want to pass on everything I have bundled up in my head!

Happy New Year everyone!  Enjoy the little things!



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